15 FEB 25 Maj. David Wilson Chapter Activation Ceremony
08 FEB 25 Stephen Holston George Washington Luncheon
15 FEB 25 DAR George Washington Luncheon Nashville
12 FEB 25 Chattanooga Area DAR America 250 Marker Dedication
01 FEB 25 TNC.A.R. Col Edward Bradley Anniversary
25 JAN 25 PGMC Archibald Houston, Guys, TN
TNSSAR Color Guard forms to present & post colors at the Patriot Archibald Houston (185697) grave marking ceremony in Guys, TN Saturday, 25 JAN 2025. Color Guard members are: CDR Cliff Kent (W/MS), Front Guard Steve Millhollin (MS), US 50 PZ Horton (W), Betsy Ross Rick Laws (W), TN Scott Pryor (MS), SAR James Stone (W), America 250 Jaime Keele (MS) and Rear Guard Paul Bobenhausen (MS). Not pictured: Greg Banther (TAPs/M) and Larry Newsome (MC).
25 JAN 25 TNSSAR BoG Color Guard
TNSSAR Color Guard prepares to present and post the colors in support of the 25 JAN 25 State Society meeting in Jackson, TN. Color Guard members include: CDR Cliff Kent, Front Guard 1 Scott Pryor, Front Guard 2 Steve Millhollin, US Flag Mark Young, Betsy Ross Rick Treharne, TN Flag Paul Bobenhausen, SAR Flag James Stone, TNSSAR Flag Doug Dickerson, America 250th Flag Robert Bolyard and Rear Guard Harlan Dabney.
18 JAN 25 PGMC David Koffman
TNSSAR Color Guard in support of the Patriot Grave Marking, America 250th Ceremony and Salute to Veteran (post ceremony) ceremonies in honor of Patriot David Koffman / Coffman (P-135841) hosted by the Col. Hugh Brown Chapter Saturday, 18 JAN 25 Minor Hill, TN. From left to right. CDR Cliff Kent (CG/W/MS), Harlan Dabney (CG/W/MS), Steve Millhollin (CG/W/MS), Kevin Gray (CG/W/MS), Mark Young (CG/W/M), David Chaffin (CG/W) and Doug Dickerson (CG/W/MS). Welcome to Color Guard Compatriot Gray!